Annual review.
5 days for both routes (5 spreads and cover options for each).
Thought process and inspiration – Route 1
Taking inspiration from a refreshed strategy, show how the business leads, manages and delivers multiple, geographically diverse projects to the same high quality, best practice standards by explaining in detail each element of the strategy.

Route 1 – Delivering a unique business offer
Digital engineering case study spread.

Route 1 – Delivering a unique business offer
Strategy in detail spread.

Route 1 – Delivering a unique business offer
Chairman’s statement spread.
Thought process and inspiration – Route 2
Highlight the innovative approaches developed and used across international projects, that deliver operational and cost efficiencies in a way not seen before in the industry. This is be demonstrated
by three major case studies featured over a double page spread, in between which is a single transparent overlay page showing the innovation in question (e.g. anchor plank) and include annotations to explain the benefits of the approach.
by three major case studies featured over a double page spread, in between which is a single transparent overlay page showing the innovation in question (e.g. anchor plank) and include annotations to explain the benefits of the approach.

Route 2 – Challenging conventions
Business model spread.
Business model spread.

Route 2 – Challenging conventions
Current projects by ‘hubs’ spread.

Route 2 – Challenging conventions
Case study spread with tracing paper overlay.